I get tired from walking around the block. Will I be fit enough for CrossFit?
There is no fitness requirement to start CrossFit classes.  This is a HUGE misconception with the program.  Yes, we cater for the physically gifted and for those that are what most would call extremely fit, but the program also caters to those that need less intense activity levels to work up a sweat. Every single workout is scaled to ANY level of fitness. Everyone is welcome and it is our job as coaches to ensure you don’t die, promise.

CrossFit looks like something for army seals. Am I skilled enough to do this?
Funny you say that, CrossFit is a military style workout, yes.  However, it comprises functional movements that are applicable to every day life.  What did you just do to read this? Sit down on a chair – nice squat! How do you grab your jars from the highest shelf on the cupboard and put them back? Press them up! There are so many movements in CrossFit that seem to be quite complex, but rest assured you learn the basics first and work your way up from there. We never leave you behind!

You need to be big to do CrossFit.  Will I get bulky?
Firstly, you don’t need to be big to do CrossFit. Secondly, putting on size is completely individual.  Some people are able to put muscle mass on easily, and others not.  If you’re muscles are responsive, you will likely get bigger and maybe quite fast. If you’re muscles aren’t as responsive, you could stay exactly the same but just get stronger. Either way, we encourage this to not be your focus and I can almost 100% guarantee that once you do start you will not be bothered about your body size! You will be more inclined to be chasing a new squat one rep max or to beat your Fran time. Bulky is not a term that is worried about in the CrossFit community, and especially if you’re a lady – I would not worry about this.  Your body will change in a positive way. If you really have some hangups on this, come chat to Coach Claire.

The membership fees are so expensive in comparison to normal gyms. Why does CrossFit cost so much?
At CrossFit you attend group classes, where the coach to participant ratio is one where every person receives individual attention.  Form is corrected, movement paths are commended, and members are pushed by their coaches. It is a very hands on and practical approach, where coaches are just as involved in your training as you are. Whereas, at a gym, instructors sit behind a desk or walk around with little or no interaction with members. You pay to use a space and do your own thing. At CrossFit you pay to use a space, our equipment and rigs, and you receive personal one-on-one attention at every class to ensure you get the most out of your membership. It is basically a group personal training session. There is a lot of value in a membership at a CrossFit gym, and this is the reason why the cost of attending is higher than your average.

There are classes on every day. I can’t train everyday!?
Our programming for daily WODs are completed ahead of time and are well thought out. It is based on an outcomes approach where we are trying to increase your abilities as a CrossFitter in all domains (cardio-respiratory endurance, strength, agility, speed, power etc). We consider how you will feel from the day before, and the day before that, as well as what is coming up. If you train every day, you will find that you may be sore from the day before, but we will be using different muscle groups the next day so your ability won’t be compromised. By the end of the week you will feel you have received a total body blitzing where you have worked all the different muscle groups in many different ways.  There is something to be said for ensuring that you still take rest days. Listen to your body and take a break when you feel like you need one. Missing one day of programming is not going to ruin all your efforts. It will ensure you are recovering properly and not overtraining. If you have any concerns about this, speak to Coach Kosta.

I don’t know anything about CrossFit or the movements. I’ll be so behind.
This is exactly why we have our on-boarding program. In a small group, we go over the basic movements of CrossFit (the squat series, press series and deadlift) as well as the more complex movements, such as the clean and jerk and the snatch. We also touch on everything in between, like kipping on the rig and showing you how to progress to a pull-up, toes to bar, and a muscle up. In addition to movement mechanics, we add in nutrition and mental toughness talks. We want to prepare you for your CrossFit journey as best we can. We think these elements are just as important as your physical training.