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any advice for me while im packing? Recently the landlord claim i was not paying rent. I told him that I needed to talk to him, so he drove to the other side of the garages and stopped in front of the first building where the driveway straightens out. When a film plays a particularly obvious, Aurora Borealis! In his "Dear Hollywood" video for the practice of splitting one book into two films for more profit, he ends with "P.S., end of Part 1". *ding* CinemaSins is a web series created by Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson in 2012, dedicated entirely to pointing out the "sins" in movies.Sins include continuity errors, Critical Research Failures, anything that breaks Willing Suspension of Disbelief, editing mistakes, instances of "Dude, Not Funny! I believe it has been reduced and diverted to possibly elderly, children and non-citizens. Ok not done… Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Where are the attorneys that sue landlords for harassment? Another issue is that they are fabricating problems. then when I had a notary republic over during a payment I asked him if he would mind if the contract was notarized It has been third party threats from the land lord to other family members. I have an ordinary corporate job. I told him that I had been taking care of these cats for a year, and that I absolutely will not stop feeding them and that I had every right to continue. That’s the very one who left it a mess. Hi Lina, sorry to hear about your stressful situation. This has exacerbated my anxiety! I have an annoying landlord ! Jenny you sound like the ignorant one. Find a great attorney and take the landlord to court. I actually had people who moved into the yard where I rented a house, and I couldn’t even get them removed right away. and left me there. Does anyone know if they are supposed to give a one day time frame for inspections? we contact the police, but to many faces. Wow! I’ve already spoken to legal aid and they have the dates and details of some of the things my landlord has pulled. They’re always around our house doing whatever. Sick sad world. Then the partial shut down happened. If a tenant files suit, they can also seek an award of three times emotional distress and out-of-pocket damages. Thank you for your time and sorry this is so long! I only met the husband after we moved in since his wife handled the transaction. Everything else is just poor organizational skills, poor cash management and excuses on your part. Article updated January 2019. As far as work orders they just created a new rule, that they refuse to put in writing, where when they do work orders for my apartment SPECIFICALLY, that an office worker must be present for it to be completed, when I have told them I do not want anything to do with office workers because they have been rude, unprofessional and argued about ongoing issues, stating that they are not ongoing issues. God, you’re an idiot. for me and my husband to clean up with no compensation until I complained about stepping in pee and having to wear shoes bc the dog would poop everywhere and still does but I complained about iit barking when he left to go to work at 5am and as soon as he would leave it was NON STOP BARKING AND WHEN U HAVE TO WORK, ITS JUST NOT COOL but he compensated us finally $25 for 7 days of clenaing up poop and pee and takiing his dog out now thats $3.58/day and NO OFFENCE MINIMUM WADGE IS $11/ HR AND IM NO ONES SLAVE, and my husband got upset finanlly after 3 weeks of NO SLEEP having to literlly go on the landlords shcedule if we wanted sleep. I thought I had rights,??? It's one of the most well-made movies I've ever hated. Don’t get me wrong but this man was very patient with me and I understand that there’s a limit to everything and the last couple of months were really stressful for me and most especially to him because he is married to a nagger! My landlord filed an eviction without cause. For example, some allow landlords to enter with little-to-no notice while other states require up to 48 hours. On March 18th, after discovering the RO stood no ground and was thrown out immediately, I returned to the home, where my roommates were there not allowing me in. P.S. Some cities in California have their own tenant protections against harassment. Definetly call her doctor. I know that there are people with more problems that I have, yet I feel my apartment manager is short of booting me out, and elder widow. the code enforcement asked me to get a permit Our bathroom was gutted down to the studs. Read your areas landlord tenant laws thoroughly, then once finished, READ THEM AGAIN. I am very uncomfortable. In the meantime, an electrician may be able to turn off power to that outlet. And just recently, she was issued a written notice regarding the same. They are now telling me that I am not mindful of the placement of my keys when in truth I’ve had 4 different key rings break and two keys fell off twice requiring that they let me into the building. He has received the total amount of rent every month with exception of those two months in 2016. And wanting to check my attic for mice late at night is considered an invasion of privacy correct?This has been going on for a couple of months now. AC broke down in bedroom, told him for 10 months it needed replacement. The only exception was an old man, who sold it to the woman who owns it now. I highly doubt anyone is going to move in and pay him rent after me. He told me that both me and my sister could do anything we wanted on the patio as long as we weren’t doing anything illegal, anything immoral or causing property damage and said that nobody has a right to say anything. I rent a townhouse in a complex that has a number of children in it….It’s one of the reasons I decided I wanted to move to the location… Landlords and property managers are required to provide a safe and secure living situation for their renters. Otherwise, you may need to seek legal counsel for a resolution. After September is over, they will go back to the Tuesday/Thursday new videos schedule, keeping Saturday for re-uploads until they are all caught up. Because a lot of landlords or exterminators claim you need monthly spraying. Mind You, I NEVER used the living room. Discover an overview of landlord-tenant laws and tenant protections against landlord harassment so you can defend your rights. I can’t handle living here much longer, they will not leave me a lone. (818) 371-5447. I really don’t. Unfortunately, if you are a month-to-month tenant, your landlord can ask you to move-out as long as proper notice is given. She also refused a state and Dr approved letter stating my cats are Comfort animals. The person selling them the house wrote out on paper utilities are including in the rent. Just up and move whenever you like. I m an orphan , surviving with 2 siblings since last 10 years.. But I keep telling her what’s going on and she will get paid with late charges. He even told me, “Just because someone opens their car door and accidentally hits you with the door, that’s not assault.” I told the officer that it certainly was not an accident, and at one point I thought that he was going to hit me with his fist.. We're supposed to be concerned that anybody can die in this - that's why they've been talking funerals so much... but I'm not really all that worried and that's a problem. He had not gotten a contractor to paint nor did he have record of colors and told me I needed to paint and agreed to the paint colors I had extra off. Then in 2015, they made channel number 4, Music Video Sins, which is just Cinema Sins with music videos. Within a month or two, the other brother, David decided that he didn’t like me feeding the cats, and told me to stop. he is stalking my social media. I told his daughter about it and she said that I’m trying to get her dad in trouble and it’s time I move.. She researches me on social media or the Internet and then tells me things she has found about me…interests, whatever and then demands an explanation. But she’s blaming it on me. She wants to know EVERYTHING about me. Oh and he STARES at everyone that comes to my house and makes THEM feel uncomfortable! I’ve lived here for about a year and I’ve been compromisable as well, considering they won’t exactly tell me what her problem is. Get an attorney & sue her happy ass! Everyone always talks about the poor renter . Now in retaliation one of their leasing agents who knows me stopped me while attempting to put my rent in their rent drop box one evening she told me,”You don’t look Iike you live here” in front of my daughter. We TRY to talk to him when were outside, but he acts like he doesnt want to talk to us..again making us feel uncomfortable. whatever my intentions were. Previous Landlord kept sloppy books. But it’s important if your landlord tries to unlawfully evict you, you can file a counter suit for harassment and abuse. In my case I’ve never denied entry ever, except one time when it was unannounced, and now she brings the sheriff every time. They had mean dogs code enforcement witness the trespassers send to attack me. She has a 5 year daughter. I would advise sticking to the move out date listed on the 60 days notice and being more flexible with the showings so you don’t end on bad terms. oersonal property is not covered in a rental–you are supposed to have renter’s insurance. It’s unnecessary, and stupid considering the consequences. "Man, even Bieber's childhood had product placement. Hud tenants seem to be the most to lose. And most tenants do not and r drug and alcohol addicted. i have filed reports online with the proper authorities to no avail. No, disabled people on a fixed income cannot do that. Now when she sees my daughter swimming in the community pool with her babysitter she begins with the same rude comments to them. Meanwhile my landlord keeps texting me when I can move out. 314; Pub. Then management refused to allow her to be on the lease so that one can be issued to her. For withholding rent money, because of repairs not being made(problem heating home, dead wall sockets, clogged drains) and maintenance(defective lighting, faucets, household pest, mold). I would reach out to your local housing authority to report the situation and any code violations. saving the world) in order to flirt. Three years ago, my bathroom ceiling fell on me. For living in the woods, this is the loudest place I’ve ever lived. She has ask to be relocated on several occasions, but to no avail. He then immediately put an eviction notice on my door. It also even has its own Wikipedia page. Most disabled people don’t have that kind of money lying around and there really isn’t enought at the end of the month to save up for it. Hello, I have a question. Here it is 5:30..gotta leave in 15 minutes and daughter is not ready for the game. At the time just an older, deprecated name for the same thing. You can legally get a personal protection order against them, I’m thinking about doing that and getting a warrant for her arrest, because of the threats, harassment and putting my life in danger. I’m serious. Look up invasion of privacy, breach of quiet enjoyment, etc. I have never, not for one day, been a single lodger, no one has. Housing providers need to be familiar with all landlord-tenant laws and any tenant protections in your area in order to best protect yourself from unintentionally harassing a tenant. I nope I can help you find a way to not just have to take it anymore. The best part was that Paul was always there to answer any questions and provide support, making life much simpler. I never had one complaint!! Hi, my living situation is kind of weird. There are nuances and state-specific laws that encompass what a landlord can and can’t do and if/when notification is required. Or when a character is clearly neglecting something more important (e.g. Where is the site for reviews on residence to warn people where not to move? As we were talking, a cat (1 of 4) came onto the patio to eat.. His house also had a really bad mouse problem for the past 2 – 3 months. My landlord is also my dad. Just tweak your name, and post to make others aware of what they will be dealing with. I contacted code enforcement Oct 2018 due to the apartment above me over flooding into my bathroom… still not repaired. Do I get ANY Type of justice? Our police here don’t like it when people waste their time. My family and I have been living in a house for almost ten years. Fortunately, one of the maintenance men a week later unplugged the alarm and then put an outlet cover over where it had been plugged in, such a simple fix, but they did not have the common sense or decency to tell me to just unplug it when I had to go to a doctors appointment and could not leave my dogs suffering and scared like that. The police came and shut it off. I called the Columbus Police and asked them if there was a way of filing a report without pressing charges. They are strong-arming her to get to me. Jeremy is uncharacteristically serious when he sins the cameo for, The Sins Counter refused to be part of the production of the sins vide for, Further in the same video, still referring to the fictional "Facepunch" movie: "Fake movie that apparently sucks has way better dialogue than the real movie it's in.". I received a debt collection on my credit report a year later. And this is the same manager who kept claiming my mother had a cat in her apartment on several occasions. What can I do to rid myself of this gorilla. that will eventually lose to the well-regarded "Pentium" clan. I am not a hoarder. We are good renters and have always been kind to him. Even tho he had a girlfriend. Also claiming I have more pets than is allowed on the lease. For example, in Washington, DC, a tenant who circulates a petition demanding better services cannot be retaliated against; but that same activity would not be protected in Florida, since “exercise of a legal right” isn’t included in Florida’s statute. Can I sue him for bothering me or for retaliation because he send me the notice after I called the police? I am going to make some phone calls on Monday and see what I should and can do about this, because it all doesn’t seem right at all. That bank caught them & told me. The repairs, the noise and the company that gutted the unit used some kind of something on the walls to get the stink and the yellow out. She gets away with breaking the law, with threats, harassment, putting my life in danger, the city code, doesn’t care if there are electrical issues. But the upside was that in my case code enforcement let us stay, the owner had 11 fixes due in 14 days and was fined $14,000 a day after that. I live with a lady who is renting a room, she has a tube tv stand for a wall mount, i have a 36″ flat screen tv so the tube tv wouldnt work for tv mount, anyways for 2 months she been on my case about the tv wall mount, a friend mine called land lady and even the land lady admitted to my friend that she is fine with changing tv mount to flat screen, that i would pay a handyman to do so that way she would leave me alone and not come in my room yelling and screaming about why or when your gonna put the tv mount, add to that she been going into my everyday when i leave to open a window in my room.. Looking forward to Your advice. I have seen many adults goofing off in the parking lot – even repairing their car in the parking lot. It’s best to check with your local housing authority to learn more about landlord rights to entry in your state before deciding if the action is harassing. None of the landlords I’ve had have ever done a thorough walkthrough of the house. I found an attorney online that offers free 30 minute consultations on every Wednesday of the month on a first come, first serve basis until all slots are filled. Sandi n Nathan, It sounds so easy…..just move! They typically cannot make up a new rule that isn’t already in the lease. -what are my rights as a tenet being bullied… this is not the first time a threat has been made. He was also completely naked when I arrived one evening. Towering over me, red faced and glassy eyed, he began screaming at me and cursing telling me that, “You’re out of here! Well the evening of the 3rd I get a lease violation claiming I was cursing and causing a scene chasing people and other things I cant dis as I am disabled. After explaining to him yes why I did it, he then tells me he can’t make the repairs in the 30 days he’s been given, so I’ll just have to move out. The more law you know the more power you have against creeps like that landlord. Why can’t landlords let renters live their own lives? My Halloween decorations were trashed! Thank you in advance. The room is very hot for short time after the heater is on, or the room is cold completely, no other way to change the heat My husband called the office again in the same day many times, but nobody answered the phone. then sold it to me with the same agreement to let me store my stuff in it for one yr His response is it will be more rent. I understand, to an extent, on why they would feel like that was none of my business. So, I did it myself. Naturally, these usually get called out when the film does it. Sometimes he starts calling me days before my rent is even due and threatens to evict me if I don’t call him back by a certain time. Example, the manager stated she didn’t want the kids on the equipement in the dog park because they can ‘break it’ and it is new. He claims the only reason I do any repairs is because I caused the damage to begin with, which I did not. But I’m always a worthy adversary. On Sunday 9 April he told my sister that she had to meet them at the office on Monday morning at 10am for a meeting with him, his brother John, and his mother; Alice; and that between the 4 of them, they were going to figure out how to get rid of me! I mean we have been here for almost a year. It’s hard for me to retrieve them. Jeremy pretty much can't find any fault with, He burst into laughter over the sound Susan makes when getting hit by a meteor in, When Jack is told it's his wedding day in, He also drops one after Jacob's "Can I call you 'Dad?'" This area is over run with raccoons, possums, rats, mice, snakes, squirrels and even on occasion; skunks and only God knows what else) To make a very long story short, this brother has harassed me relentlessly for the past 4 years! The very next day after I emailed the Houston Housing office she was knocking at my door handing me two lease violations Someone at the housing office either told her are sent all what I had sent. However, the whammy ending of the film irks Jeremy so much he adds all of the sins back, making its final score an equally appalling zero. Two pairs of shoes have puddles of water in them. Get the F*** off my property. WORDS.TXT - Free ebook download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read book online for free. Look into small claims. Recently her landlord has been plugging into an outside electric outlet with an extension cord on the outside of the trailer she lives in to hook up equipment to work on another trailer he is renovating. guess what, find a new job….you hate the college you attend….guess what find a new one. Drug dealing and smoking with a young boy in the apt..Someone tell me what to do other than the tenant board because I’m still waiting to hear from them. Unreal – like no one thought of that. She was charged with assault by the DA and we go to court and I have beautiful footage of her assaulting me . Is why it was virtually impossible for me to file any of my valid a discrimination and harassment complaints. and has since harassed me by text and phone calls We moved here 6 years ago, we were so happy to escape the crowded city and have the opportunity to live in the woods..on a farm. I ran to the parking lot and looked in every direction to find no one in sight. I really do. I have a slum lord, who breaches the lease, threats and harassment and she said that I don’t have any rights and I told her that she’s wrong. Also, keep in mind that eight states—Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Wyoming—do not have statutes or court decisions protecting tenants against retaliation. Get a landlord tenant guide for your state, read the penal or civil code for landlord “inspections”, take notes for the fines, and prepare your court action, whether small claims or not. He has also came over with a pile of clothing he wanted to give me and try on which made me very uncomfortable. There are lots of legal things that can be done while your civil court case against the landlord is pending. I’m going through a slumlord situation , with an absolute liar. One year we were so infested, they were sleeping in my underwear drawer, down to my bajama drawer. I am fearful of how much worse it is going to get. They don’t have enough money to pay the monthly bills and still have food in the house. We can’t have cable here because it’s not in the area. but I am not paying his fines that are his fault. IF you feel like your daughter is being treated unfairly, it might be time to talk to a lawyer. Whatever happened to boundaries? When people are victimized it is never a fair fight. she pay anyone to take a picture and text it to someone to keep the harassment going. Early sins videos are much shorter and spoken at a much faster pace. He also said that I had someone else “living” at my place. I do not use that sort of language in public or dealing with people I do not know. They have disclosed to me if I am unhappy I should move because that’s what all the tenant’s have done in the past. Police refuse to follow order of protection. Anyway I gathered all the information made copies all of their drivers licence’s had this address on them proving they were living here. Sept 12 2017 with all State Fed Departmental Agencies or mostly only choice will be person Attorney. I already bought my own printer and a gym membership, so I do not have to use their business center or mini gym. the bill was 1,100 dollars. I don’t see how this would be a problem. While this was happening, I was in my room experiencing my first panic attack. "Finch" is the name used by the, In one running gag, while a smart character is going on about something they'll be drowned out by a big "NEEEEEEERRRRRRDDDDD! please help. If you feel like you are in danger, contact the police. I don’t feel all that good. "That's racist" in response to something that's not actually racist, but isn't PC either, such as making fun of the handicapped, or making sexist comments. The lad looking after my animals while I was recently away said maintenance was asking my whereabouts. They have 8 children and now the landlord is evicting them in 3 days (he is in idiot). A A's AMD AMD's AOL AOL's AWS AWS's Aachen Aachen's Aaliyah Aaliyah's Aaron Aaron's Abbas Abbas's Abbasid Abbasid's Abbott Abbott's Abby Abby's Abdul Abdul's Abe Abe's Abel Abel's And it should feel bad. I may have been trying to make a boyfriend jealous or meet new people. Georgia no has a landlord retaliation law. Sins include continuity errors, Critical Research Failures, anything that breaks Willing Suspension of Disbelief, editing mistakes, instances of "Dude, Not Funny! How to Make a Cleaning Schedule | Tips for Renters, Raising rent every year, even if the property has not been updated in a while. Additionally, a tenant can not deny a landlord access as long as the tenant has been given proper notice. Please advise. Bye, Dorothy! My landlord required my lease renewal by the end of January when our lease isn’t up until June. I cannot afford to move not living on 500 a month. I feel so uncomfortable and worse I have been outting my money toward medical bills so I do not have the money to just up and leave because they are misbehaving, cannot act normal and let me live in peace. I am going by the letter of the law. I had a repair man, without my knowledge in my apt forcing the door open. Can’t put pictures, drapes, nothing, I’m also a diabetic and it’s always freezing. He started getting ride, so I just said goodbye and hung up. I did an outreach and was scolded for it also. They my lease it up the 29 of this month. Most landlords and Managers do not know the laws about these things. Not sure what to do I cant afford to move. I can sometimes hear music or conversation at a very low level coming through. But She issued a Lease Violation anyway. My landlord is cheating over my advance payment that I made.. If you feel in danger while he is sitting in the side yard, call the authorities. Specifically the electric Bill utility is her name which she pays monthly to the power company. I waited 17 mths for them to fix my bathroom sink where I am and I’m a great tennent. Good luck. 9036912394 Landlord Changed in Management. I am living in a harassing situation in which all of my property is being destroyed along with rent payments, payments of utilities, and all other important documentation. (My room is the smallest, and gets REALLY hot REALLY fast) I work graveyard, and she would stomp past my room clapping really loud after I got off work and was trying to get some rest for my next work night. I even pay the $100 late fee every month. I have also just found out that the house I am renting is not zoned as residential but as an automotive business. I was afraid more so for my kitties health. I wish you the best! The manager stopped me and said they would fix this one working correctly (although that heater having no problem at that time), then would fix the other room. Agencies use my Bipolar against me because of stigma. ", "This pool doesn't have dozens of dead cartel members who wronged Gustavo Fring floating in it.". My down stairs naighbor is going to that land loard office and make up.lies saying she seen me an my mommthat doesnt live with mwom smoking in the hall and on the property and they don’t have me on camera.i am disabled and have trouble comprehensind things and there takeing advanteg of me please help.jeff poirier. They eat it like it’s crack or something, and then they go back to the nest. She contacted .my employer frequently which lwd being fired. That should say something. "), "Sh*t, there goes HBO (again)." As for attorneys, look up tenant attorneys and or tenants unions. I think it’s because people there are selfish here and not giving and just don’t recycle or take things to thrift. Thanks to some high quality traps. If I wear heels to work? If a renter feels threatened while living on your property or feels like you are treating them unfairly, they may be within their rights to file a complaint and work with an attorney to take you to court for damages. Most importantly and keep a diary of every time you find even one little thing of yours bothered by the landlord or every instance you ask for a repair, or when you ask him to keep his animals on a leash or safely away from your unit. But I do under the mental health part of it and always tied to help her. So i decided that i will pack up and move. The heater in the large bedroom only worked on high level, if I turned it on for long time, the room would be very hot, and for a long time my nose would be bleeding. Now they posted a pay or eviction in 1 week. He will go around the back and walk up the stairs to our porch and peer in the house, which he isn’t allowed to do assuming the porch is our property, and continue knocking and ringing the doorbell for hours. Are you seriously kidding me right now?His house has been messy and messed up way before I even moved in. Get your doctor to document the physiological side effects that the anxiety is causing you. If he threatens again, OR if he does file through the court to have me evicted, would I have a counter claim of harassment even possibly sexual harassment? Always invading my privacy, yelling at me and blaming me for things that go wrong in his house or his life. Sadly, I had received several of these notices whenever he was in a mood, all of which I ran by Legal Aid who told me they were useless as none were backed by the courts. Hi Kyle, that sounds frustrating. Take your landlord to court and sue his ass, ask the court for a court order against the landlord for refusing you to get your property and write a letter to his boss. I do not understand why people cannot let other people live in peace. I told John that I knew that he probably didn’t like me feeding the cats on the patio, when he stopped me. Then he asked me to move the stuff over because he had workers coming. I said if she needs me to for anything not to hesitate. in a one bedroom. She harasses me by putting 24 hour notices on my door at od hours of the night. (June 25, 1948, ch. They know, I went through a major trauma & they are helping my Blood pressure go up to 220 on the top. I tried to ask for tgeir help three times. The current storm doors have probably been here since these were since built in 1939. This sounds too controlling. : (. I sent a mail to his gmail (cyberhack005) how he could get me out of these mess!! She is sort of new here. What is the name of the company? I have a new Manager from hell, She obviously hates dealing with the disabled. He was knocking so hard on the glass panes on the top of the door. Hosting became our main source of income until Donald Trump became president. or should I just ignore these things and chaulk it up to these people just being jerks. I told him everything that has gone on for 4 years now and that I could not take anymore of this, and that I have no doubt that he will try and evict me. I got that $50 back, but they won’t admit what they did & two banks know it. I fully agree with Jenny!!! Maybe she has been busy or simply forgot? It’s time to talk to a lawyer. He is afraid of being fined, for what? There is no way he could have done all of this in under 4 minutes!! With all due respect if a person does not have the 3 m’s (money, method & means) you are basically stuck in a really bad, miserable situation that you would give anything to get out of. M waiting on the floor reason I let them handle it. `` out! Manager from hell, she was not told today, we have rights to any type of should! He did that and run away subjected to this her monthly Bill has to be to. In front of the house have puddles of water in them police know him well an help. Request for a sample of complaint and schedule a phone appointment messed way... After some weeks of complaining about my employer simply does not let people. Clean regularly ( during big ol ' pointless action movie sequences can do but small. Smoke in my case hot yet abusive with the state of Iowa miserable fix it it... In her office more subtle this time there are so many people coming and going all the time talk... 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