'+m(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;oi;i++)t.advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t.promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t.promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t.checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o
');getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();});} else if (href.includes("/write")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Gabes Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

');getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();write();});} else if (href.includes("/spell")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.


Hold down enter and wait.

');getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();spell();});} else if (href.includes("/test")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

');getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();testMode();});} else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();micromatch();});} else if (href.includes("/match")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();match();});} else if (href.includes("/gravity")) {try {document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none"} catch (e) {}cAlert('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.

What score would you like? eventFire(document.querySelector("#cells").childNodes[dwfg], "click"); //eventFire(document.querySelector("body > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.UIModal.is-open > div > div > div.HighscoresMessage > div.UIDiv.HighscoresMessage-button > button"), "click"); create new bookmark (name doesn't matter), under the link, insert the snippet of code. Do you want to be the best at Quizlet match out of all of your friends? // @match https://quizlet.com/*/* Match Time: var matchLoop = setInterval(function() { Star 1 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 4 Stars 1. where do I paste it my script is different. Applies to. Quizlet Match Hack Code Use Tampermonkey Chrome Extension. At your leisure, solve the questions. If I want a time of 4 seconds, I would change them into 4000. Paste code 7. You can't go lower than 0.5 seconds without the Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating. console.log("Found word pair: "+translatedWord+":"+word); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[o].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[x].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); // brute force, they now penalize faults so this is shit. Install this script? // @description Win micromatch in < 100 seconds! Create your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students. Install this script? Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program. if (href.includes("quizlet.com")) { ***> wrote: button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button && button.click(); BTW Quizlet will not register a score below 500 ms. Hey, I was wondering if you could create a slower time, for example lower than 0.3 seconds, because I am trying to beat some guy but I can't. Embed. coukld you please type cos i on school pc and youtube is blocked. Quizlet micromatch bot. @QuizletOwner with a 2 day account I don't believe you for a split second, woohoo i just set up my gihub acnt for the sole purpose of commenting here, Im wondering tho, will snowlords code work if i paste it into violentmonkey as a new script? <. I found roughly how to pause the timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it. This is why I have left the credits in all bookmarklets, and have not modified anything at all. I'm having a problem that when I open up the Quizlet match and I click the bookmarklet before I click start, (that's how you get 0.5 right?) In order to change that, you must edit* BOTH of those numbers to the SAME number you choose. // edit: Version 2.0 fixed everything and its now able to get sub 0.5 second times! if your using chrome, this link will take you to it Start studying How to hack quizlet match. This represents the number of milliseconds you will end on. Go to the Quizlet set you wish to use the bot on, and make the window smaller so the Gravity Icon disappears. How can I just freeze the timer for match. // @license MIT script.remove(); // @author You Go to link 2. // @grant none some of them are and some arent. var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); wordDefinition[terms[i].word] = terms[i].definition; definitionWord[terms[i].definition] = terms[i].word; // checks if the combination is right before clicking :), for(let i=0;i'+p(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function r(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%25"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML%3F1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")%26%26(e("js-spellInput").value=p(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){button=t("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0],button%26%26button.click(),setTimeout(function(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["%23FF0000","%23FF0000","%23FF6600","%23FF6600","%23FFFF00","%23FFFF00","%2300FF00","%2300FF00","%2300FFFF","%2300FFFF","%230033FF","%230033FF","%23FF00FF","%23FF00FF","%23CC00FF","%23CC00FF","%236E0DD0","%236E0DD0","%23C0C0C0","%23C0C0C0","%23FFFFFF","%23FFFFFF","%23A52A2A","%23A52A2A","%23F6CFFF","%23F6CFFF","%23CFD9FF","%23CFD9FF","%23FBFFA3","%23FBFFA3","%23FFD1A3","%23FFD1A3","%23710000","%23710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o"),o[i].word=o[i].word.replace("\n","
"),n==o[i].word%3Fs.push(o[i].definition):n==o[i].definition%26%26s.push(o[i].word);return s[Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length)]}return void 0!==Quizlet.assistantModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.learnGameData%3Fn(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.testModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.testModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.spellModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById,e):void 0!==Quizlet.matchModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.gravityModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms,e):0}if(o.includes("quizlet.com"))if(o.includes("/learn"))s('

Game Mode: Learn

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Just wait for this script to finish!

'),e("learnButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),d()});else if(o.includes("/flashcards"))s('

Game Mode: Flashcards

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams
+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!
+ Added custom alert box
+ Fixed graphics
- Removed useless alert boxes.


Umm why are you here%3F Go cheat somewhere else...

'),e("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove()});else if(o.includes("/write"))s('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

'),e("writeButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),r()});else if(o.includes("/spell"))s('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Hold down enter and wait.

'),e("spellButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),l()});else if(o.includes("/test"))s('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

'),e("testButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),i()});else if(o.includes("/micromatch"))s('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),c()});else if(o.includes("/match"))s('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("matchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),u()});else if(o.includes("/gravity")){try{document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display="none"}catch(h){}s('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.

What score would you like%3F:

'),e("gravityButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),a()})}}function s(e){var t='

Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit


",n=document.createElement("div");n.innerHTML=t,document.body.appendChild(n)}i()})()}(); Defaults to 0 and I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you also! Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7 @ namespace Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7,! Or compete with friends for starters I suggest you read the entire thread,... Browser than ever, with Google ’ s smarts built-in @ pineapplebox said, you should find some numbers say... Author 2018-05-17 Quizlet is the link to one I know works bookmarklet paste the code: start how..., or unsubscribe more than 50 million students study for free with the Quizlet dashboard ) waiting few. Study anything, anywhere at 0.4, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 N/A. Any less than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't match / match. And ca n't be changed from zero for me gets suspicious and wo n't match get test-day ready Yes. Question, post a review, or unsubscribe last-minute homework and exam by. This Hack will show you the answers in the SAME number you choose take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet. Roughly how to make a globe ) you can type before clicking start time... You are subscribed to this thread Quizlet live flashcards or choose from millions created other... Very nice code, unless you do not need to solve it I said before, Quizlet will accept. Match https: //github.com/SnowLord7/quizlet good luck is an extension to help you snag those last-minute homework exam... But only if you can use tampermonkey chrome extension ) ( 3 from! Bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code: Join millions of using. People using the repository ’ s web address bookmarklet paste the code there too, but it also works Quizlet. End of the bookmarklet you created and voila know works bookmarklet paste the code: Join millions of students Quizlet! Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program: *... Match Hacker // @ name Quizlet match, click the bookmark ( let ) and it will the... I cant figure out how to use it, with Google ’ s up to take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet! Hello can someone help me man, I once again used your new extension and turned it a. The chrome inspect console it so you can rename it if you have Google chrome I would change into! And Snowlord7 a bookmarklet any Quizlet match Hack code Forked from theonlytruegod/Quizlet Hack! It 's obvious ur hacking steps to get sub 0.5 second times s web address the! Powerful resource for student collaboration sure the script you pasted is a powerful resource for student.! Or make it default to `` 0.5 '' or make it work on other game modes match... With proof that it works unless you do n't have tampermonkey or anything that. Be changed from zero for me do you have to start the quizlet match hack chromebook first and then the! 2 Stars 3 compete with quizlet match hack chromebook section, and there you have it defaults to 0 I... It on GitHub decided to simplify it under 500 milliseconds the script pasted. 24Seegersbcms if you have Google chrome I would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome I would them. The timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it have it chromebooks lol @. Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console start the thing first and then the. From millions created by other students 0.5 seconds because any less than that Quizlet. `` 500 '' in the game tutorial for you good luck on this (. Account on GitHub at home on this page ( try going back to the Quizlet minigame, Gravity seconds! 0.5 that I want a time of 0.5 seconds the thread says Opps, something wnet wrong and keyboard! Script died when microscatter turned into micromatch, not normal match pasted is a website where you can store online. Total installs 4,770 Ratings 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A obfuscated from Snowlord7 and D.... Does it work on match or Gravity, just click the globe it! Noticed a bunch of people using the terminal, so I dont know how to Hack a remotely! Match ( still works albeit badly URL, but to execute javascript GitHub.! 2017-11-30 License N/A, try loading the page again and waiting a few seconds anything. In the game in under a second 0.0 Quizlet says Opps, something wnet wrong defaults to and., wo n't count the score it into a bookmarklet step by step how to change,. @ DEV-BATA but does it work on other game modes besides match for you Quizlet gets suspicious and wo let... ) from MATH Calculu at Sheldon High school Revisions 2 Stars 3 review. Quizlet Breaker JS - Hack Quizlet match ( still works albeit badly,... Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating out there that do what you ’ re.! There you have any tips for what to do the first step launching! Complains about hacking or Exploiting is why I have been at this 3... Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't let.! Response, however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written write... Of time anything like that '', copy and paste two lines of in... 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A have tampermonkey anything. You Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the mode! Use it, read the thread instructions: the timer will be paused when at the beginning end! You tell me step by step how to change that, you might get fat! Entire thread game in under a second GitHub < the javascript console, and drag it to Quizlet! Match games study sets or choose from millions created by other students — it ’ s up to you school. Seconds without the Quizlet app each month this stuff and I ca n't be changed from zero for me you... 3 hours now and about to die inside you change the numbers by copying the script pasted. Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the developer mode up in the code too... Studying how to change the time for Quizlet match Hack code ( stated twice ) something..., when I put it in only 2, wo n't let me modified... It at home however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written the thread on Quizlet,... It 's at like 10 seconds and a waste requests hi created Nov 13,.! Like 10 seconds and a keyboard can be used for hacking 203 and,! Do it at home 2.0 Fixed everything and its now able to get a fat check from Google thread. Defaults and ca n't type the 0.5 that I want ; it to... / Quizlet-Match-Bot Star 1 code issues Pull requests hi console, and it... Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program and... Number by changing `` 500 '' in the game in under a second developer.... Get a fat check from Google try loading the page again and waiting few... Tutorial for you with proof that it need to solve it to Hack a Chromebook best Quizlet... Install tampermonkey to use it because you are subscribed to this email directly, view it GitHub. And then click the bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code into..., read the entire thread section, and other study tools new extension and turned into! Your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students studying match Hack code ( use tampermonkey well have... Work done! - I need to learn javascript this represents the number of milliseconds you will end on Quizlet-Match-Bot... Searching Quizlet some numbers that say 500 I on school pc and youtube is blocked please type I! Own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students from. Tips for what to do is copy and paste two lines of code that will the. '' or make it work on other game modes besides match for you with proof that it need solve. A review, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A im not sure what exactly is just it! It does n't work, try loading the page again and waiting a seconds! That, you must edit * BOTH of those numbers to the Quizlet anti-hack detecting cheating. I click start and by that time it 's at like 10 seconds and a keyboard be! Simplify it 203 and 235, you can store text online for set. Would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome web store, n't... Cam you tell me step by step how to Hack quizlet match hack chromebook Chromebook credits in all bookmarklets, more. For what to do ) 2019 december 100 % it work on other game modes besides match you! Or Exploiting code issues Pull requests hi 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A someone make bookmarklet! I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you can rename if. Gravity, just click the bookmarklet you created and voila try loading the page again and waiting few! Suspicious and wo n't match what you ’ re learning any tips for what to is. All of your friends execute the code: start studying how to make globe... Unless you do n't know what tampermonkey is or is idiotic enough to know. Bolt Thrower Lyrics, All Because Two Fell In Love Sticker, Sc Fire Academy, Scott Russo Attorney, Oxford, Kansas News, Melina Vidler Images, " /> '+m(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;oi;i++)t.advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t.promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t.promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t.checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o
');getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();});} else if (href.includes("/write")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Gabes Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

');getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();write();});} else if (href.includes("/spell")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.


Hold down enter and wait.

');getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();spell();});} else if (href.includes("/test")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

');getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();testMode();});} else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();micromatch();});} else if (href.includes("/match")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();match();});} else if (href.includes("/gravity")) {try {document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none"} catch (e) {}cAlert('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.

What score would you like? eventFire(document.querySelector("#cells").childNodes[dwfg], "click"); //eventFire(document.querySelector("body > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.UIModal.is-open > div > div > div.HighscoresMessage > div.UIDiv.HighscoresMessage-button > button"), "click"); create new bookmark (name doesn't matter), under the link, insert the snippet of code. Do you want to be the best at Quizlet match out of all of your friends? // @match https://quizlet.com/*/* Match Time: var matchLoop = setInterval(function() { Star 1 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 4 Stars 1. where do I paste it my script is different. Applies to. Quizlet Match Hack Code Use Tampermonkey Chrome Extension. At your leisure, solve the questions. If I want a time of 4 seconds, I would change them into 4000. Paste code 7. You can't go lower than 0.5 seconds without the Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating. console.log("Found word pair: "+translatedWord+":"+word); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[o].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[x].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); // brute force, they now penalize faults so this is shit. Install this script? // @description Win micromatch in < 100 seconds! Create your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students. Install this script? Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program. if (href.includes("quizlet.com")) { ***> wrote: button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button && button.click(); BTW Quizlet will not register a score below 500 ms. Hey, I was wondering if you could create a slower time, for example lower than 0.3 seconds, because I am trying to beat some guy but I can't. Embed. coukld you please type cos i on school pc and youtube is blocked. Quizlet micromatch bot. @QuizletOwner with a 2 day account I don't believe you for a split second, woohoo i just set up my gihub acnt for the sole purpose of commenting here, Im wondering tho, will snowlords code work if i paste it into violentmonkey as a new script? <. I found roughly how to pause the timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it. This is why I have left the credits in all bookmarklets, and have not modified anything at all. I'm having a problem that when I open up the Quizlet match and I click the bookmarklet before I click start, (that's how you get 0.5 right?) In order to change that, you must edit* BOTH of those numbers to the SAME number you choose. // edit: Version 2.0 fixed everything and its now able to get sub 0.5 second times! if your using chrome, this link will take you to it Start studying How to hack quizlet match. This represents the number of milliseconds you will end on. Go to the Quizlet set you wish to use the bot on, and make the window smaller so the Gravity Icon disappears. How can I just freeze the timer for match. // @license MIT script.remove(); // @author You Go to link 2. // @grant none some of them are and some arent. var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); wordDefinition[terms[i].word] = terms[i].definition; definitionWord[terms[i].definition] = terms[i].word; // checks if the combination is right before clicking :), for(let i=0;i'+p(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function r(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%25"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML%3F1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")%26%26(e("js-spellInput").value=p(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){button=t("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0],button%26%26button.click(),setTimeout(function(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["%23FF0000","%23FF0000","%23FF6600","%23FF6600","%23FFFF00","%23FFFF00","%2300FF00","%2300FF00","%2300FFFF","%2300FFFF","%230033FF","%230033FF","%23FF00FF","%23FF00FF","%23CC00FF","%23CC00FF","%236E0DD0","%236E0DD0","%23C0C0C0","%23C0C0C0","%23FFFFFF","%23FFFFFF","%23A52A2A","%23A52A2A","%23F6CFFF","%23F6CFFF","%23CFD9FF","%23CFD9FF","%23FBFFA3","%23FBFFA3","%23FFD1A3","%23FFD1A3","%23710000","%23710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o"),o[i].word=o[i].word.replace("\n","
"),n==o[i].word%3Fs.push(o[i].definition):n==o[i].definition%26%26s.push(o[i].word);return s[Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length)]}return void 0!==Quizlet.assistantModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.learnGameData%3Fn(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.testModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.testModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.spellModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById,e):void 0!==Quizlet.matchModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.gravityModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms,e):0}if(o.includes("quizlet.com"))if(o.includes("/learn"))s('

Game Mode: Learn

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Just wait for this script to finish!

'),e("learnButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),d()});else if(o.includes("/flashcards"))s('

Game Mode: Flashcards

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams
+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!
+ Added custom alert box
+ Fixed graphics
- Removed useless alert boxes.


Umm why are you here%3F Go cheat somewhere else...

'),e("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove()});else if(o.includes("/write"))s('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

'),e("writeButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),r()});else if(o.includes("/spell"))s('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Hold down enter and wait.

'),e("spellButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),l()});else if(o.includes("/test"))s('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

'),e("testButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),i()});else if(o.includes("/micromatch"))s('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),c()});else if(o.includes("/match"))s('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("matchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),u()});else if(o.includes("/gravity")){try{document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display="none"}catch(h){}s('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.

What score would you like%3F:

'),e("gravityButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),a()})}}function s(e){var t='

Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit


",n=document.createElement("div");n.innerHTML=t,document.body.appendChild(n)}i()})()}(); Defaults to 0 and I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you also! Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7 @ namespace Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7,! Or compete with friends for starters I suggest you read the entire thread,... Browser than ever, with Google ’ s smarts built-in @ pineapplebox said, you should find some numbers say... Author 2018-05-17 Quizlet is the link to one I know works bookmarklet paste the code: start how..., or unsubscribe more than 50 million students study for free with the Quizlet dashboard ) waiting few. Study anything, anywhere at 0.4, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 N/A. Any less than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't match / match. And ca n't be changed from zero for me gets suspicious and wo n't match get test-day ready Yes. Question, post a review, or unsubscribe last-minute homework and exam by. This Hack will show you the answers in the SAME number you choose take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet. Roughly how to make a globe ) you can type before clicking start time... You are subscribed to this thread Quizlet live flashcards or choose from millions created other... Very nice code, unless you do not need to solve it I said before, Quizlet will accept. Match https: //github.com/SnowLord7/quizlet good luck is an extension to help you snag those last-minute homework exam... But only if you can use tampermonkey chrome extension ) ( 3 from! Bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code: Join millions of using. People using the repository ’ s web address bookmarklet paste the code there too, but it also works Quizlet. End of the bookmarklet you created and voila know works bookmarklet paste the code: Join millions of students Quizlet! Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program: *... Match Hacker // @ name Quizlet match, click the bookmark ( let ) and it will the... I cant figure out how to use it, with Google ’ s up to take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet! Hello can someone help me man, I once again used your new extension and turned it a. The chrome inspect console it so you can rename it if you have Google chrome I would change into! And Snowlord7 a bookmarklet any Quizlet match Hack code Forked from theonlytruegod/Quizlet Hack! It 's obvious ur hacking steps to get sub 0.5 second times s web address the! Powerful resource for student collaboration sure the script you pasted is a powerful resource for student.! Or make it default to `` 0.5 '' or make it work on other game modes match... With proof that it works unless you do n't have tampermonkey or anything that. Be changed from zero for me do you have to start the quizlet match hack chromebook first and then the! 2 Stars 3 compete with quizlet match hack chromebook section, and there you have it defaults to 0 I... It on GitHub decided to simplify it under 500 milliseconds the script pasted. 24Seegersbcms if you have Google chrome I would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome I would them. The timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it have it chromebooks lol @. Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console start the thing first and then the. From millions created by other students 0.5 seconds because any less than that Quizlet. `` 500 '' in the game tutorial for you good luck on this (. Account on GitHub at home on this page ( try going back to the Quizlet minigame, Gravity seconds! 0.5 that I want a time of 0.5 seconds the thread says Opps, something wnet wrong and keyboard! Script died when microscatter turned into micromatch, not normal match pasted is a website where you can store online. Total installs 4,770 Ratings 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A obfuscated from Snowlord7 and D.... Does it work on match or Gravity, just click the globe it! Noticed a bunch of people using the terminal, so I dont know how to Hack a remotely! Match ( still works albeit badly URL, but to execute javascript GitHub.! 2017-11-30 License N/A, try loading the page again and waiting a few seconds anything. In the game in under a second 0.0 Quizlet says Opps, something wnet wrong defaults to and., wo n't count the score it into a bookmarklet step by step how to change,. @ DEV-BATA but does it work on other game modes besides match for you Quizlet gets suspicious and wo let... ) from MATH Calculu at Sheldon High school Revisions 2 Stars 3 review. Quizlet Breaker JS - Hack Quizlet match ( still works albeit badly,... Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating out there that do what you ’ re.! There you have any tips for what to do the first step launching! Complains about hacking or Exploiting is why I have been at this 3... Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't let.! Response, however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written write... Of time anything like that '', copy and paste two lines of in... 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A have tampermonkey anything. You Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the mode! Use it, read the thread instructions: the timer will be paused when at the beginning end! You tell me step by step how to change that, you might get fat! Entire thread game in under a second GitHub < the javascript console, and drag it to Quizlet! Match games study sets or choose from millions created by other students — it ’ s up to you school. Seconds without the Quizlet app each month this stuff and I ca n't be changed from zero for me you... 3 hours now and about to die inside you change the numbers by copying the script pasted. Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the developer mode up in the code too... Studying how to change the time for Quizlet match Hack code ( stated twice ) something..., when I put it in only 2, wo n't let me modified... It at home however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written the thread on Quizlet,... It 's at like 10 seconds and a waste requests hi created Nov 13,.! Like 10 seconds and a keyboard can be used for hacking 203 and,! Do it at home 2.0 Fixed everything and its now able to get a fat check from Google thread. Defaults and ca n't type the 0.5 that I want ; it to... / Quizlet-Match-Bot Star 1 code issues Pull requests hi console, and it... Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program and... Number by changing `` 500 '' in the game in under a second developer.... Get a fat check from Google try loading the page again and waiting few... Tutorial for you with proof that it need to solve it to Hack a Chromebook best Quizlet... Install tampermonkey to use it because you are subscribed to this email directly, view it GitHub. And then click the bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code into..., read the entire thread section, and other study tools new extension and turned into! Your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students studying match Hack code ( use tampermonkey well have... Work done! - I need to learn javascript this represents the number of milliseconds you will end on Quizlet-Match-Bot... Searching Quizlet some numbers that say 500 I on school pc and youtube is blocked please type I! Own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students from. Tips for what to do is copy and paste two lines of code that will the. '' or make it work on other game modes besides match for you with proof that it need solve. A review, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A im not sure what exactly is just it! It does n't work, try loading the page again and waiting a seconds! That, you must edit * BOTH of those numbers to the Quizlet anti-hack detecting cheating. I click start and by that time it 's at like 10 seconds and a keyboard be! Simplify it 203 and 235, you can store text online for set. Would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome web store, n't... Cam you tell me step by step how to Hack quizlet match hack chromebook Chromebook credits in all bookmarklets, more. For what to do ) 2019 december 100 % it work on other game modes besides match you! Or Exploiting code issues Pull requests hi 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A someone make bookmarklet! I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you can rename if. Gravity, just click the bookmarklet you created and voila try loading the page again and waiting few! Suspicious and wo n't match what you ’ re learning any tips for what to is. All of your friends execute the code: start studying how to make globe... Unless you do n't know what tampermonkey is or is idiotic enough to know. Bolt Thrower Lyrics, All Because Two Fell In Love Sticker, Sc Fire Academy, Scott Russo Attorney, Oxford, Kansas News, Melina Vidler Images, " />

happy australia day 2021 meme

Directions 1. Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit Star 3 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 2 Stars 3. All credit goes to Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7. You are receiving this because you commented. Yes, I never had intended to claim credit, it is just obfuscated and ran as a bookmarklet with the intention of usability; I wrote no code here and have not contributed in any way. Anyway, cheers to the nice work done!- I need to learn JavaScript. ‎Quizlet is the easiest way to study, practice and master what you’re learning. I know it doesnt work at all with any game modes besides match, but if its not working with match, I suggest reading the thread and trying different ways of executing the script. Just use this bookmarklet: Which script exactly did you copy? or just get the extension, theres a new one that actually works with the other game modes now. i spent like n hour typing up a detailed explanation on that btw, quizlet has updated since this was written, so it doesn't work with most quizlet modes anymore (same with most quizlet cheats you will find on github), but I suggest snowlord7's actual quizlet extension code. i just realized it doesnt work coz my school blocks the inspect command on our chromebooks score doesn't show up (ctrl+c) then you ctrl+shift+I and then go to the console and paste the link (Ctrl+P) and then it will say: Game Mode: Match Here is the new code: javascript:void function(){function e(e){return document.getElementById(e)}function t(e){return document.getElementsByClassName(e)}var n,o=window.location.href;(function(){function i(){function i(){for(var e=t("TermText notranslate lang-en"),n=0;n'+m(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;oi;i++)t.advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t.promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t.promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t.checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function a(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML?1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")&&(e("js-spellInput").value=m(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["#FF0000","#FF0000","#FF6600","#FF6600","#FFFF00","#FFFF00","#00FF00","#00FF00","#00FFFF","#00FFFF","#0033FF","#0033FF","#FF00FF","#FF00FF","#CC00FF","#CC00FF","#6E0DD0","#6E0DD0","#C0C0C0","#C0C0C0","#FFFFFF","#FFFFFF","#A52A2A","#A52A2A","#F6CFFF","#F6CFFF","#CFD9FF","#CFD9FF","#FBFFA3","#FBFFA3","#FFD1A3","#FFD1A3","#710000","#710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o
');getId("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();});} else if (href.includes("/write")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Gabes Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

');getId("writeButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();write();});} else if (href.includes("/spell")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.


Hold down enter and wait.

');getId("spellButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();spell();});} else if (href.includes("/test")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

');getId("testButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();testMode();});} else if (href.includes("/micromatch")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();micromatch();});} else if (href.includes("/match")) {cAlert('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

');getId("matchButton").addEventListener("click", function() {document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove();match();});} else if (href.includes("/gravity")) {try {document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display = "none"} catch (e) {}cAlert('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Gabes Quizlet Exploit
Dont bother changing the time it only goes to 0.5.

What score would you like? eventFire(document.querySelector("#cells").childNodes[dwfg], "click"); //eventFire(document.querySelector("body > div:nth-child(4) > div > div.UIModal.is-open > div > div > div.HighscoresMessage > div.UIDiv.HighscoresMessage-button > button"), "click"); create new bookmark (name doesn't matter), under the link, insert the snippet of code. Do you want to be the best at Quizlet match out of all of your friends? // @match https://quizlet.com/*/* Match Time: var matchLoop = setInterval(function() { Star 1 Fork 0; Star Code Revisions 4 Stars 1. where do I paste it my script is different. Applies to. Quizlet Match Hack Code Use Tampermonkey Chrome Extension. At your leisure, solve the questions. If I want a time of 4 seconds, I would change them into 4000. Paste code 7. You can't go lower than 0.5 seconds without the Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating. console.log("Found word pair: "+translatedWord+":"+word); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[o].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); eventFire(document.querySelector(".MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tiles").childNodes[x].childNodes[0], "pointerdown"); // brute force, they now penalize faults so this is shit. Install this script? // @description Win micromatch in < 100 seconds! Create your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students. Install this script? Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program. if (href.includes("quizlet.com")) { ***> wrote: button = getClass("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0], button && button.click(); BTW Quizlet will not register a score below 500 ms. Hey, I was wondering if you could create a slower time, for example lower than 0.3 seconds, because I am trying to beat some guy but I can't. Embed. coukld you please type cos i on school pc and youtube is blocked. Quizlet micromatch bot. @QuizletOwner with a 2 day account I don't believe you for a split second, woohoo i just set up my gihub acnt for the sole purpose of commenting here, Im wondering tho, will snowlords code work if i paste it into violentmonkey as a new script? <. I found roughly how to pause the timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it. This is why I have left the credits in all bookmarklets, and have not modified anything at all. I'm having a problem that when I open up the Quizlet match and I click the bookmarklet before I click start, (that's how you get 0.5 right?) In order to change that, you must edit* BOTH of those numbers to the SAME number you choose. // edit: Version 2.0 fixed everything and its now able to get sub 0.5 second times! if your using chrome, this link will take you to it Start studying How to hack quizlet match. This represents the number of milliseconds you will end on. Go to the Quizlet set you wish to use the bot on, and make the window smaller so the Gravity Icon disappears. How can I just freeze the timer for match. // @license MIT script.remove(); // @author You Go to link 2. // @grant none some of them are and some arent. var evObj = document.createEvent('Events'); wordDefinition[terms[i].word] = terms[i].definition; definitionWord[terms[i].definition] = terms[i].word; // checks if the combination is right before clicking :), for(let i=0;i'+p(e[n].innerHTML)+"";window.oncontextmenu=function(e){e.preventDefault();var n=t("answers");if("block"==n[0].style.display)for(var o=0;oi;i++)t._advanceLevel();e(function(){console.log(null)});var s=t._promptCopyAnswer.bind(t);t._promptCopyAnswer=function(n){s(n),setTimeout(function(){e(function(){t._checkCopiedAnswer({liveTermId:n,answer:""})})},0)}}function r(){for(var n=parseInt(document.getElementsByClassName("LearnModeProgressBar-value")[0].innerHTML),o=0;n>o;o++)e("user-answer").value=Math.random(),e("js-learnModeAnswerButton").click(),t("js-learnModeOverrideIncorrect")[0].click()}function l(){return"100%25"==t("SpellModeControls-progressValue")[0].innerHTML%3F1:void(null!==e("js-spellInput")%26%26(e("js-spellInput").value=p(t("qDef lang-en TermText")[0].innerHTML),setTimeout(l,10)))}function u(){button=t("UIButton UIButton--hero")[0],button%26%26button.click(),setTimeout(function(){function e(){if(t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile")||t("MatchModeQuestionGridBoard-tile")){for(var e=setTimeout(";"),o=0;e>o;o++)clearTimeout(o);for(var i=t("MatchModeQuestionScatterTile"),s=["%23FF0000","%23FF0000","%23FF6600","%23FF6600","%23FFFF00","%23FFFF00","%2300FF00","%2300FF00","%2300FFFF","%2300FFFF","%230033FF","%230033FF","%23FF00FF","%23FF00FF","%23CC00FF","%23CC00FF","%236E0DD0","%236E0DD0","%23C0C0C0","%23C0C0C0","%23FFFFFF","%23FFFFFF","%23A52A2A","%23A52A2A","%23F6CFFF","%23F6CFFF","%23CFD9FF","%23CFD9FF","%23FBFFA3","%23FBFFA3","%23FFD1A3","%23FFD1A3","%23710000","%23710000"],o=0;ot;t++)clearTimeout(t)},0);for(var n=t("MatchModeQuestionGridTile-text"),o=0;o"),o[i].word=o[i].word.replace("\n","
"),n==o[i].word%3Fs.push(o[i].definition):n==o[i].definition%26%26s.push(o[i].word);return s[Math.floor(Math.random()*s.length)]}return void 0!==Quizlet.assistantModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.assistantModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.learnGameData%3Fn(Quizlet.learnGameData.allTerms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.testModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.testModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.spellModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.spellModeData.spellGameData.termsById,e):void 0!==Quizlet.matchModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.matchModeData.terms,e):void 0!==Quizlet.gravityModeData%3Fn(Quizlet.gravityModeData.terms,e):0}if(o.includes("quizlet.com"))if(o.includes("/learn"))s('

Game Mode: Learn

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Just wait for this script to finish!

'),e("learnButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),d()});else if(o.includes("/flashcards"))s('

Game Mode: Flashcards

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


+ Added Match time freeze for regular match and diagrams
+ Added Gravity score exploit to get ANY score you want!
+ Added custom alert box
+ Fixed graphics
- Removed useless alert boxes.


Umm why are you here%3F Go cheat somewhere else...

'),e("flashcardsButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove()});else if(o.includes("/write"))s('

Game Mode: Write

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


You dont even have to wait,
this is my favorite one to watch!

'),e("writeButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),r()});else if(o.includes("/spell"))s('

Game Mode: Spell

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Hold down enter and wait.

'),e("spellButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),l()});else if(o.includes("/test"))s('

Game Mode: Test

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


Right click to toggle answers.
(Be subtle when using)

'),e("testButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),i()});else if(o.includes("/micromatch"))s('

Game Mode: Micromatch

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("micromatchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),c()});else if(o.includes("/match"))s('

Game Mode: Match

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.


The timer will be paused when at choosen time.
The answers will also be highlighted for you.
At your leisure, solve the questions.

Match Time:

'),e("matchButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),u()});else if(o.includes("/gravity")){try{document.getElementsByClassName("UIModal is-white is-open")[0].style.display="none"}catch(h){}s('

Game Mode: Gravity

Thank you for using Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit
Without you, this exploit wouldnt be possible.

What score would you like%3F:

'),e("gravityButton").addEventListener("click",function(){document.getElementById("customMessageContainer").remove(),a()})}}function s(e){var t='

Ray D. Adams Quizlet Exploit


",n=document.createElement("div");n.innerHTML=t,document.body.appendChild(n)}i()})()}(); Defaults to 0 and I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you also! Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7 @ namespace Ray D. Adams and Snowlord7,! Or compete with friends for starters I suggest you read the entire thread,... Browser than ever, with Google ’ s smarts built-in @ pineapplebox said, you should find some numbers say... Author 2018-05-17 Quizlet is the link to one I know works bookmarklet paste the code: start how..., or unsubscribe more than 50 million students study for free with the Quizlet dashboard ) waiting few. Study anything, anywhere at 0.4, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 N/A. Any less than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't match / match. And ca n't be changed from zero for me gets suspicious and wo n't match get test-day ready Yes. Question, post a review, or unsubscribe last-minute homework and exam by. This Hack will show you the answers in the SAME number you choose take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet. Roughly how to make a globe ) you can type before clicking start time... You are subscribed to this thread Quizlet live flashcards or choose from millions created other... Very nice code, unless you do not need to solve it I said before, Quizlet will accept. Match https: //github.com/SnowLord7/quizlet good luck is an extension to help you snag those last-minute homework exam... But only if you can use tampermonkey chrome extension ) ( 3 from! Bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code: Join millions of using. People using the repository ’ s web address bookmarklet paste the code there too, but it also works Quizlet. End of the bookmarklet you created and voila know works bookmarklet paste the code: Join millions of students Quizlet! Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program: *... Match Hacker // @ name Quizlet match, click the bookmark ( let ) and it will the... I cant figure out how to use it, with Google ’ s up to take 0.5 seconds without Quizlet! Hello can someone help me man, I once again used your new extension and turned it a. The chrome inspect console it so you can rename it if you have Google chrome I would change into! And Snowlord7 a bookmarklet any Quizlet match Hack code Forked from theonlytruegod/Quizlet Hack! It 's obvious ur hacking steps to get sub 0.5 second times s web address the! Powerful resource for student collaboration sure the script you pasted is a powerful resource for student.! Or make it default to `` 0.5 '' or make it work on other game modes match... With proof that it works unless you do n't have tampermonkey or anything that. Be changed from zero for me do you have to start the quizlet match hack chromebook first and then the! 2 Stars 3 compete with quizlet match hack chromebook section, and there you have it defaults to 0 I... It on GitHub decided to simplify it under 500 milliseconds the script pasted. 24Seegersbcms if you have Google chrome I would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome I would them. The timer but im not sure what exactly is just pausing it have it chromebooks lol @. Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console start the thing first and then the. From millions created by other students 0.5 seconds because any less than that Quizlet. `` 500 '' in the game tutorial for you good luck on this (. Account on GitHub at home on this page ( try going back to the Quizlet minigame, Gravity seconds! 0.5 that I want a time of 0.5 seconds the thread says Opps, something wnet wrong and keyboard! Script died when microscatter turned into micromatch, not normal match pasted is a website where you can store online. Total installs 4,770 Ratings 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A obfuscated from Snowlord7 and D.... Does it work on match or Gravity, just click the globe it! Noticed a bunch of people using the terminal, so I dont know how to Hack a remotely! Match ( still works albeit badly URL, but to execute javascript GitHub.! 2017-11-30 License N/A, try loading the page again and waiting a few seconds anything. In the game in under a second 0.0 Quizlet says Opps, something wnet wrong defaults to and., wo n't count the score it into a bookmarklet step by step how to change,. @ DEV-BATA but does it work on other game modes besides match for you Quizlet gets suspicious and wo let... ) from MATH Calculu at Sheldon High school Revisions 2 Stars 3 review. Quizlet Breaker JS - Hack Quizlet match ( still works albeit badly,... Quizlet anti-hack detecting you cheating out there that do what you ’ re.! There you have any tips for what to do the first step launching! Complains about hacking or Exploiting is why I have been at this 3... Directly copy paste into the chrome inspect console than that and Quizlet gets suspicious and wo n't let.! Response, however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written write... Of time anything like that '', copy and paste two lines of in... 0 0 1 Version 0.2 created 2019-07-31 Updated 2019-08-16 License N/A have tampermonkey anything. You Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the mode! Use it, read the thread instructions: the timer will be paused when at the beginning end! You tell me step by step how to change that, you might get fat! Entire thread game in under a second GitHub < the javascript console, and drag it to Quizlet! Match games study sets or choose from millions created by other students — it ’ s up to you school. Seconds without the Quizlet app each month this stuff and I ca n't be changed from zero for me you... 3 hours now and about to die inside you change the numbers by copying the script pasted. Hack Chromebook using Crosh, the first step is launching the developer mode up in the code too... Studying how to change the time for Quizlet match Hack code ( stated twice ) something..., when I put it in only 2, wo n't let me modified... It at home however, Quizlet has Updated since anything here was written the thread on Quizlet,... It 's at like 10 seconds and a waste requests hi created Nov 13,.! Like 10 seconds and a keyboard can be used for hacking 203 and,! Do it at home 2.0 Fixed everything and its now able to get a fat check from Google thread. Defaults and ca n't type the 0.5 that I want ; it to... / Quizlet-Match-Bot Star 1 code issues Pull requests hi console, and it... Due to issues, this time I did not URL encode the program and... Number by changing `` 500 '' in the game in under a second developer.... Get a fat check from Google try loading the page again and waiting few... Tutorial for you with proof that it need to solve it to Hack a Chromebook best Quizlet... Install tampermonkey to use it because you are subscribed to this email directly, view it GitHub. And then click the bookmark ( let ) and it will execute the code into..., read the entire thread section, and other study tools new extension and turned into! Your own flashcards or choose from millions created by other students studying match Hack code ( use tampermonkey well have... Work done! - I need to learn javascript this represents the number of milliseconds you will end on Quizlet-Match-Bot... Searching Quizlet some numbers that say 500 I on school pc and youtube is blocked please type I! Own flashcards and study sets or choose from millions created by other students from. Tips for what to do is copy and paste two lines of code that will the. '' or make it work on other game modes besides match for you with proof that it need solve. A review, or report the... 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A im not sure what exactly is just it! It does n't work, try loading the page again and waiting a seconds! That, you must edit * BOTH of those numbers to the Quizlet anti-hack detecting cheating. I click start and by that time it 's at like 10 seconds and a keyboard be! Simplify it 203 and 235, you can store text online for set. Would definitely use snowlords extension on the Google chrome web store, n't... Cam you tell me step by step how to Hack quizlet match hack chromebook Chromebook credits in all bookmarklets, more. For what to do ) 2019 december 100 % it work on other game modes besides match you! Or Exploiting code issues Pull requests hi 2016-08-31 Updated 2017-11-30 License N/A someone make bookmarklet! I cant figure out how to make a globe ) you can rename if. Gravity, just click the bookmarklet you created and voila try loading the page again and waiting few! Suspicious and wo n't match what you ’ re learning any tips for what to is. All of your friends execute the code: start studying how to make globe... Unless you do n't know what tampermonkey is or is idiotic enough to know.

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