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So that's another way you can use a comp title. I have managed slush piles for literary agencies for over six years, so I've seen definitely a couple hundreds of thousands of queries in my time. Best Practices in Writing an Essay for Comparative Research in Visual Arts. Comp titles are going to be used whenever you're pitching your book. Delete all unnecessary/ repetitive words and link the remaining. "You've Got Mail, but with gay teenage boys." However, I wouldn't use them together because I think that would tend to fall under the category of same genre, same plot, or same feel. He then discovers the battle between good and evil is a bit more complicated than he thought. An example of causal research would be a restaurant wanting to find out why fewer customers were demanding one of its sandwiches, so management might experiment to find out if possibly the sandwich's current price or a new competitor's presence in the area would be a cause. Samuel Onyegam (Political Science and Rhetoric): “Historical Comparative Case Study of Emerging Hegemonic Behavior: Perspectives on the Peoples Republic of China.” Samuel is now a practicing attorney in Dallas, TX. Also, fun fact, the bookstore I worked at was the bookstore from You've Got Mail, which I will be using later as a comp title example. One of the mistakes that students do when writing a comparative essay is comparing the artists instead of ... 2. Last week here, I spelled out the reasons why a comparative title analysis is so important to a book proposal. Generating a Creative Title Establish your purpose. I hope that makes sense as to why that wouldn't work as a comp title, and why using two comp titles of the same genre, or similar plot, doesn't really tend to work. Compare the Artworks Not the Artists. Over 1 million authors trust the professionals on Reedsy, come meet them. Basically, you went too specific on the comp title without having the story to back it up. Eliot, George Gershwin, and Eugene O’Neil”, Natalie Griffin (Music and Education): “An Analysis of Elementary Student Piano Compositions “, Stacy Harter (Rhetoric and Learning Systems Technology): “Elements Used to Build Online Community: E-Learning Versus Social Networking Websites”, Barbara Hildebrand (Psychology and Health Science): “Predictors of Smoking Behavior in a National Dataset of Adolescents”, Ana Hollis, Psychology and Health Sciences: “Psychological Correlates from Diabetes”. Examples of the Basic Causal-Comparative Design Threats to Internal Validity in Causal-Comparative Research • Subject Characteristics • The possibility exists that the groups are not equivalent on one or more important variables • One way to control for an extraneous variable is to match subjects from the comparison groups on that variable I also wouldn't say it particularly matters which order the titles go in. So a better comp title for you might be Shakespeare in Love meets Pride and Prejudice. The employed research methods include qualitative and quantitative types. This might be the one that most of you are familiar with. Look at it as the "inverse graph of popularity." 3. Consult to Your Instructor. 1. For example, The Breakfast Club, which I've just used — you associate it with a really specific sort of theme and setting. A Digitization of a book of Poetry by Hen-Toh (AKA Bertrand N. O. Walker), with Introduction and Annotation.” Cindy teaches English and Writing at Pulaski Technical College and UALR. So that's one example of a comp title and how you can use it. When you're using comp titles, try to have at … It hits a lot of the same dramatic points as Harry Potter, and that's why this comp title works: it lives up to the promise it makes. The quantitative research paper aims at collecting data from a particular group of data. So for example, going back to young adult fiction, you don't want to use a comp title that's become overwhelmingly popular and is highly specific like Six of Crows. When you say Sabrina meets Harry Potter, I'm not really sure what your book is about because there are a lot of overlapping characteristics. Kevin Quinn (History and Journalism): “The old gray lady and the campaign for the equal right amendment in Arkansas: A content analysis of the Arkansas Gazette 1972-1979”, Jane Rampona (Psychology and Social Work): “Psycho-sexual Politics of Life on the Streets: Narratives of Homeless Women and Formerly Homeless Women”, Clay Robinson (Political Science and History): “Of the Common Law World view and the American Constitution.” Clay passed away in 2009. Once you know what the criteria for choosing the two subjects is, it will be easy to find suitable topics for your research … Though when it comes to pitching your books to publishers, your agent should have that under control. Larry Lachowsky (Philosophy and Higher Education): “Course Development: Ethics and Professionalism for Land Surveyors.” Larry teaches surveying and philosophy at Univ. So when speaking to someone who doesn't, say, read young adult fiction, I'm not going to use popular young adult books as comp titles with them because chances are they haven't heard of The Hazel Wood or Six of Crows. That book's a retelling of Jane Eyre, where Charlotte Bronte is actually Jane Eyre's best friend and she can see ghosts. The next step is to generalize the collected data into a wide range of people to describe the process. -common design in educational research studies -used when independent variables cannot or should not be examined using controlled experiments. So you know that McManus's books has a group of six defined outcasts and a whodunnit mystery. So they might not know about some world-building element that you have all planned out in your head, if it's not actually on the page. Another common issue with comp titles is being too specific. Their versatility of this research makes it useful to collect various types of data. Retrospective causal-comparative research Retrospective causal-comparative research requires that a researcher begins investigating a particular question when the effects have already occurred and the researcher attempts to determine whether one … But I couldn't really tell you what the plot of your book is based on that combination. You can definitely use classic titles. ... Crude Oil Prices: Mean... Public Health. On the other hand, if you're using comp titles when talking to an agent or an editor, you want to be more genre-specific because they're looking for comp titles that show you know the market and you know the genre you're talking about. Qualitative Research Question Types. Do use one plot-based title and one title to set the tone. It's not really to do with the plot because the plot of the movie isn't the most important part of the movie — it's just about the characters bonding. The conference was organized by UA Little…, The conference student travel awards are for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research and creative activity in conferences. But it's still risky to use something like that, so you need to really think. For those of you who don't know Six of Crows, I would comp it as Leverage by Nancy S. Thompson, in a Russian-inspired fantasy. Commitment to help clients. Medical fields use the comparative study as a method of gathering and analyzing data. You didn't hit everything." The significance of civil war for the African Americans and average Americans. Causal-Comparative Research- -Also called “ex post facto” which means ‘after the fact’(alleged causeand effect have already occurred and are being examined after the fact. You can also use them to pitch to foreign or film agents. Judy Warner (Music and Rhetoric): “History and Practice of Ozark Fiddling.” Judy teaches music and also performs with her band throughout the region. The more popular something is, the smaller your margin can be in terms of how different your book is. Once you have these details - (1) the starting phrase, (2) the name of the dependent variable, (3) the name of the groups you are interested in comparing, and (4) any potential adjoining words - you can write out the comparative research question in full. I'd say think of it as a simile. But Six of Crows itself is considered a bit overused now. They're both John Hughes movies set in the eighties and they're both about teenagers doing teenage things. ... Two Engines of Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve and the... Economics. On the other hand, "Breakfast Club meets Pretty Little Liars" gives you a really good idea of what the book is about. Today, the “how to” complete your research on the competition in the marketplace of ideas will be presented. West Indies. Title of Thesis: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENTATION OF WOMEN IN CARIBBEAN FOLKLORE BETWEEN SAINT LUCIA AND JAMAICA. When you say Breakfast Club, what comes to mind is cliques or people who represent cliques, detention, high school, etc. Tell them about your book, and ask where it would be located or how it would be categorized. Title of Dissertation: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF COGNITIVE AND NON -COGNITIVE FACTORS RELATIONSHIP TO ACADEMIC SUCCESS FOR FOREIGN MASTER’S STUDENTS Lisa A. Stephenson, Doctor of Philosophy, 2004 Dissertation Directed By: Dr. Frank Sc hmidtlein, Associate Professor of Higher Education (Emeritus) Comparative Essay Title Examples to you a well-written document. Daisy Lee Stringer (Rhetoric and Education): ”Meeting the Unmet and Under Served Social Needs of Older Adults in Rural Populations of Arkansas”, Gretchen Skinner (Psychology and Social Work): “Effects of Demographic Variables and Motivation on Training Needs of Family Service Workers in Arkansas”. I love classic titles as comp titles and I think they tend to be really popular with agents and editors, because everyone likes something that they're a little bit familiar with. So, quick overview. So for the "Sabrina meets Harry Potter" example: when you say Sabrina, you think: But it has too many similar characteristics to Harry Potter: living with aunt and uncle at first, magical secrets, and of course drama. This will serve as a fundamental resource to enlighten students and other users with interest in undertaking comparative studies. You can check out her Reedsy profile here. Avoid Redundancy. This step-by-step process involves research, reading, and … Keywords: school climate, organizational climate, proficiency-based education, Learning about the battle between good and evil, Morality issues: "What is good isn't always easy" or "what is right isn't always easy. So it really depends on your audience and knowing where you are. Example of Causal-Comparative Research Questions: The impact of drugs on a teenager. That example would be Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli, which was recently made into the movie Love, Simon. For example, something lot of people (agents, scouts, and editors) are beginning to think overused is Stranger Things. Educational Research Seminar Overcoming Adversity Sample Thesis Titles and Papers Titles of some of the previous theses created in my section of Educational Research are listed on this page. Learn about pricing strategies for eBook promotions and how they can help you achieve different goals, and reach new audiences. Brian Kinder (Music and Studio Art): “One More Time”: An Audio CD of Children’s Songs Composed and Published by Brian Kinder. Join us for new videos every Tuesday and Friday and learn how to become a better writer. ", A witch who is keeping a secret, lives with her aunts, and. Find the perfect editor for your next book. Because qualitative research is more concerned with understanding an event or phenomenon, its open-ended research questions focus more on a group’s experience than on statistics or numbers.. Qualitative research is primarily used in social sciences and includes surveys, case studies, focus groups, and ethnography studies. Shannon Caldwell (Rhetoric and Applied Communication): “Communicating with the World One Moment at a Time: Teachable Moments with Bill Clinton”, Terry Espino-Bright, Rhetoric and Spanish: “A Memoir of Language and Motherhood”. Cynthia Beck (English and History): “Nubbins. Then focus your competitive title search on this particular category. Comparative research is a research methodology in the social sciences that aims to make comparisons across different countries or cultures.A major problem in comparative research is that the data sets in different countries may define categories differently (for example by using different definitions of poverty) or may not use the same categories. Third, you could use comp titles if you're a self-published author, you're an author who deals with these things directly, or you're an author who tends to wander bookstores in hopes of pitching to people directly. This is another reason you don't want to use a comp title that's too popular within the genre. Holly Riesco and Heather McPherson. Subscribe now for: Sam Brody is a Reedsy editor with an incredible background at both literary agencies and in sales. You can always practice by pitching it to a couple of friends or your family, and see what they say to get an idea of what order works. Sindiwe James. If you just wanted something that's set in the Regency era or the Shakespearean era, I would use a comp title that evokes the feel of that era — like Shakespeare in Love — in combination with the other title. Comparative research essentially compares two groups in an attempt to draw a conclusion about them. So if you're using a comp title with books that are really similar genre-wise to each other, it's not really going to communicate the story, because those titles are not different enough to be able to pick out the unique elements that translate into your book. Something along those lines. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND EDUCATION Candidate’s Name: SINDIWÉ JAMES Department: HUMANITIES & … So for example, when pitching to agents and editors, a "big no" comp title that no one wants to see is Harry Potter. For example, you may wish to compare the body composition of individuals who are trained with exercise machines versus individuals trained only free weights. When I say Harry Potter, what do you guys think of? I've also worked in sales, both domestic and foreign, and I've worked in bookstores, so I've definitely used comp titles in every realm. In every subject you will find numerous comparative research paper topics. in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Requirements The new curriculum for MAIS students now only requires 6…, A new MAIS curriculum will become active in Fall 2019. On the other hand, you might also do Twelfth Night meets something from the Regency era. The importance and benefits of business research can’t be overrated. The only exception for using Harry Potter in a comp title is if I'm pitching it to someone who's not really a reader, because chances are it's a book that they've heard of. That's something that became very popular in the last year. It should give me an idea of what I'm going to get, and should be adapted for your audience. Examples of variables investigated in Causal-Comparative Research-Ability variables (achievement)-Family-related variables (SES)-Organismic variables (age, ethnicity, sex)-Personality variables (self-concept)-School related variables (type of school, size of school) Causal Comparative Research Procedure Holly Riesco studied English, Rhetoric,…, Department of Philosophy & Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Business, Health, and Human Services, College of Humanities, Arts, Social Sciences, and Education, Donaghey College of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, Center for Integrative Nanotechnology Sciences, New MAIS Curriculum is Effective as of Fall 2019, Jessica Waddle Presents at 2017 APA Conference, 2017-18 Undergraduate & Graduate Travel Awards, Congrats to our MAIS summer graduates! Deborah Hreczkosij (History and English) “The Great Depression: A Comparative Literature Examination Through the Use of Newberry Award Books.” Deborah is finishing up a PhD in History and teaching as an adjunct in Floraid. I would say a good comp title should let a reader, potential audience member, or agent know what your book is about. Keen eye on Comparative Essay Title Examples important details. So another bad example of comp titles would be Breakfast Club meets Sixteen Candles. So for example, if you like Uprooted by Naomi Novik, which is a fairytale fantasy retelling, you'll like The Bear and the Nightingale by Catherine Harden, which is another fairytale fantasy. Jayme Butts-Hall (History and Political Science): “Turning Compassion into Action: Animal Welfare in Little Rock, Arkansas.” Jayme received a law degree from Bowen School of Law and works in Little Rock. For example, an examination body wants to determine the better method of conducting tests … Comp titles can be comparative or competitive titles. It’s exciting to think of undertaking research at this early stage in your career. So that's a good time to use Six of Crows, Hazel Wood, etc. That gives you a really specific idea of what the book is about: you have Breakfast Club, which is about teenagers and detention, with that sort of teen drama thing going on. A causal comparative research 1. If you are writing a creative title, the point is to … ... A Comparative Literature Examination Through the Use of Newberry Award Books. Based on Mill’s canon of agreement and disagreement, causal-comparative research involves comparison in contrast to correlation studies which looks at relationships. • A comparative study of the chemical composition of two objects which come under a common category. The effect of substantial food provision in the villages of Africa. Here's an example of how that might work: The Magicians by Lev Grossman is a book and TV show that's comped using Harry Potter as context. ... Is Microlending Sustainable? aspect of it. Funds for graduate student…, This summer we had 2 MAIS students defend and graduate. In the corporate world, comparative research analyzes the … Please keep a few things in mind when looking at these sample theses: Magicians is often described as "grown-up Harry Potter," or "Harry Potter for millennials," or "Harry Potter set in grad school," or "Harry Potter meets Chronicles of Narnia." Steve Jauss (English and Rhetoric and Writing): “Toward a Unified Theory of Quotation”, Valerie Johnston (Psychology and Rhetoric): “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Theory of an Efficacious Treatment Plan”, Jessica Kokinos (Rhetoric/Writing and Non-Profit Studies): “Nonprofit Ethos and Identity: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ Websites”, George Lea (History and Political Science): “A Diamond in the Rough: The History of Taylor Field”. The effect of good education on a freshman. of AR Community College at Morrilton. Or they might use movies as comp titles for pitching to film agents. Comparative research can be used in many professional and undergraduate areas. Experimental, quasi-experimental, and causal-comparative research methods are frequently studied together because they all try to show cause and effect relationships among two or more variables. Six of Crows is the same as Leverage in that it has very distinct characters and a very distinct heist team. Are Trump, Brexit, and other phenomena true examples of Populism? I've had lots of literary experience and sales experience. So, if you're using Stranger Things as a comp title now, just know it really needs to hit on everything that the actual Stranger Things has. So [the commenter] is saying Pride and Prejudice meets Twelfth Night. There are three different ways to use comp titles. (Examples: Religion, History, Business, Self-Help.) First things first, what are comp titles? Editors and agents overseas tend to like using comp titles that are more familiar to their territory, so they might use a comp title with a book that sold really well in Germany when pitching to German agents. The only exception to this was the ARC Implementation Center study (Sconiers et al., 2002), where three NSF-supported elementary curricula were examined, but in the results, their effects were pooled. Britney Finely (Psychology, Health Science, Education): “How the President’s Challenge Serves as an Assessment Tool to Motivate Third Graders in an Inner City Elementary Physical Education Class”, Lori Gardner (Rhetoric and Psychology): “Gender Bias As Evidenced on Political Blogs in the 2008 Presidential Elections”, Regina Gibson (Gerontology and Health Science): “Physician Communication with Older Patients, Particularly, Older African-American, About Sexual Health and Sexual Risk Behaviors for HIV/AIDS”, Sheila Glasscock (English and Music): “Characteristics of Modernism in Selected Works of T.S. At some point I know it can be overwhelming. 4. Where in a bookstore will you find your book shelved? Melvin Beavers (Rhetoric, History, Mass Communication): “Authenticating Blackness: The Problem of Cultural Appropriation and Representation on Television and in Film.” Melvin is now a full-time Instructor in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at UALR. But if you're pitching to agents and editors, which I'm assuming is going to be a decent amount of you, don't use too well-known comp titles. West Indies. Experimental research: Also known as true experimentation, this research method is reliant on a theory. So for example, if I'm speaking to someone who doesn't really like to read, I'm going to use titles that are a bit more widely known. I've been an assistant in various literary agencies for over three years. conducting research through the lens of the student and parent population with school climate and proficiency-based and non-proficiency-based education, and research on the impact of self-actualization linked to student success within the proficiency-based model. It does its job in giving you an idea of what the book is about. Otherwise, the agent or editor who's reading it will go, "This wasn't a good comp title. In order to help them understand, you might have to break some of the rules we've laid out here, like not using titles that are too well-known. It's the easiest way to describe your book because it's the easiest way to elicit interest. In nearly all studies in the comparative group, the titles of experimental curricula were explicitly identified. I don't mean its themes ("it's about realizing that family is about togetherness") or even what the genre of your book is ("it's set in a dystopian future where all of humanity has been wiped out"). So that's how you can use them, where they're used, and how to adjust them for your audience. It's really popular, so if you're using that as a comp title for your YA fiction and you're pitching that to agents, your book better hit all of those points (small heist team, specific roles, Russia, etc.). They could be used to find out how a disease is more prominent to a specific population than another. You'll see a lot of books already published that do use really well-known comp titles in the summary. Again, the more popular it is, the narrower margin of error. Damon Bullock (Gerontology and Criminal Justice): “Elder Abuse: Prevention and Intervention Project.” Damon received a PhD in Sociology and now teaches Military Sociology. And Pretty Little Liars is similar, so it skirts the line a little bit, but it's also got that darker teen drama "who killed who?" Quantitative research is necessary to attain a particular objective. Basically, a comp title is a shorthand to describe your book. All students admitted beginning in that term will follow the new curriculum, and any…, MAIS student Jessica Waddle presented a paper at the annual Arkansas Philological Association (APA) conference last week. Those are really specific, strong classic plots, so I'm not really sure which plot you're going with for your book, and I think that creates some confusion. T opics for research paper in comparative politics. If you don’t know, ask a bookstore clerk or a librarian. Again, the purpose of a comp title again is to communicate what your plot is about. For example, it could be appropriate to begin a title with a coordinating conjunction [i.e., and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet] if it makes sense to do so and does not detract from the purpose of the study [e.g., "Yet Another Look at Mutual Fund Tournaments"] or beginning the title with an inflected form of a verb such as those ending in -ing [e.g., "Assessing the Political Landscape: Structure, Cognition, and Power in … It's about pulling a fast one on both the audience and the people who are in charge of the banks. Who Receives Climate Finance and Why? Are you providing the payoff that you're promising the reader (or agent)? I tend to assume the first one is plot and the second one is more setting, but I think if it'll be pretty obvious to the reader. Another case of something that's overused in comp titles and causes specificity issues: cult classics, especially recent ones. Alex Newton from K-Lytics returns to share his latest insights into the Amazon book market. Be Minimal. you will be assured of an Comparative Essay Title Examples error-free project. Don't use two titles of the same genre and plot. In descriptive-comparative research, the researcher considers 2 variables which are not manipulated, and establish a formal procedure to conclude that one is better than the other. Really make sure that if you're promising something popular, your book fits that comparison to a T. Sam Brody specializes in young adult, romance, science fiction and fantasy, and women's fiction. Harry Potter has a very distinct plot, but [the commenter's book] doesn't really sound similar to the plot of Harry Potter. Brian writes and performs children’s music. So, for example, "it's Jane Eyre meets Ghostbusters," which would be My Plain Jane by Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows, and Brody Ashton. The first few titles are links to .pdf versions of that anonymized thesis. So, if you're using Harry Potter as a comp title, as an agent, I'm expecting to see all of those things in your book. 5. They're both set in Russia, they're both fairytales, and they both have romantic stories and high-speed plots. When writers have a keen eye on important details in your essays such as spelling, grammar, etc. We are happy to congratulate them on their accomplishment! Obituary, Laura Tharel-Keener (English and History): “Arthur and Guinevere, Medieval to Modern: An Historical Analysis of the Arthurian Legend”, Laurie Vescovo Knight (Psychology, Gerontology, Education): “The Prevalence of Overweight in Elementary School Children: An Interdisciplinary Approach for a School-Based Intervention”, Doug Weatherly (English and History): “An Amicable Divorce or Irreconcilable Differences: The Aesthetic Value of Ezra Pound’s “Hugh Selwyn Mauberley” Outside of Its Historical and Intellectual Contexts.”. The conference student travel awards are for undergraduate and graduate students to present their research and creative activity in conferences. Elaine Corum (Rhetoric, Gerontology, Social Work): “Through the Valley of the Shadow: A Journey of Commemoration and Healing.” Elaine is a full-time Instructor of writing at the University of Central Arkansas. Whereas if you say Ocean's Eleven, that comes to mind is the particular heist and revenge plot. Lance Watson (Music and Radio, Television, Film): “A Comparison of Church Music Service Software Including a Pilot Project to Allow End Users to Assess Software and Equipment”, New MAIS Curriculum Effective as of Fall 2019 M.A. The list provided They encounter a battle of good vs. evil. Sindiwe James. The nature of business research is the collection, study, and analysis of various business-related data to acquire detailed information and use it to maximize sales and profit of a business. That example shows how you can use really distinguishing characteristics in your comp title, as long as they match closely. In this case, it works really well because The Magicians is about a group of college students who are attending a magical school. Remember: you know your book really well, but someone else reading it won't have the same background and context as you. If not, chances are you're going to hurt your book more than help. Sample Thesis/Project Titles. A good comp title communicates the plot and the setting of your book, always. research, institutions doing comparative research, comparative research papers (including those with rural focus) and journals with comparative research focus. If I'm not seeing that, then your comp title has failed. I can assume it has witches and teenagers, but I still don't really know what the plot is because Sabrina doesn't really have a distinct enough plot. I'd say they're more theme-specific or setting-specific comp titles. Sample Thesis Titles Business. He discovers that he is supposed to conquer this ultimate bad guy (who's their version of Voldemort). Use these associations when thinking of comp titles and putting them together, because you want to have an idea of what someone else is going to think when they hear it. It's something well-known, but some element's been changed. That's because those tend to be aimed at people who aren't readers. In highschool, research to me was a thing for well educated folks in universities and research institutions. Chelsea Bishop-Ward (Rhetoric and Education-Student Affairs): “A Rhetorical View of Grant Writing”. Topics in this field can take on all sorts of forms and shapes, with some of the most interesting and inviting including: 1). When you say Ocean 's Eleven, that comes to mind is cliques or people who are charge!, and should be adapted for your audience and knowing where you.. 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